Shifting is more than just a coincidence of copying and deletion/invalidation

Reading time: 6 minutes

Case No. O2019_004 | Decision of 6 October 2020 | ‘Ethereum / blockchain’

We have reported about the main hearing on this Blog here. Sunshine Software Development GmbH had sued FRIENDZ SA for alleged infringement of the Swiss part of EP 1 151 591; see EPO Register and Swissreg for further information. The patent has lapsed on 13 January 2020, after 20 years.

Standing to sue

The Plaintiff is not the patentee of EP 591, but rather only the exclusive licensee. The Plaintiff had provided a confirmation from the patentee that it had the right to enforce the patent (‘, […] das Klagepatent gegen Dritte gerichtlich durchzusetzen.’). The FPC held that this is sufficient evidence for Plaintiff’s standing to sue, and that there is no need to provide the full license contract.

That seems pretty straight forward, right?

But what does ‘enforcing’ a patent actually imply? Note that Plaintiff’s request was only for information and accounting in first place, as a basis for calculating and collecting damages later. However, no injunctive relief had been requested. I feel one might well have discussed whether ‘enforcing’ implies collection of damages(?). Anyway, this was apparently not an issue here.

Infringing act(s)

The decision gives a nice wrap-up of the essentials of the Ethereum blockchain in ¶ 22, apparently based on a party expert opinion of Björn Scheuermann. See Wikipedia for an overview about Ethereum in English language. Peer administration with Ethereum is governed by DevP2P.

Defendant had made an ‘Initial Coin Offering‘ back in 2018, utilizing the Ethereum block chain: 392m Friendz token had been emitted, and 22’868 units of the crypto currency Ether (ETH) had been collected.

Plaintiff argued that the Ethereum blockchain, in certain situations, would infringe EP 591. Defendant had argued that he could not be held liable for what decentralized computing and storage means do. These actions would not be attributable to the Defendant. The FPC did not buy into that. The Defendant had emitted Friendz token that essentially relied on the Ethereum blockchain. It does not matter that the decentralized computing and storage means are not owned by the Defendant.

An interesting aspect of this could have been the question of how to deal with parts of the Ethereum blockchain outside of Switzerland; see ¶ 23. But this was left undecided because the Ethereum blockchain was held to not infringe EP 591 anyway; see below.

Yet another interesting aspect had apparently been argued only belatedly, i.e. at the main hearing, well after the closure of the file: Defendant argued that the ‘certain situations’ within the Ethereum blockchain are only theoretically conceivable, i.e. might have happened accidentially; but Plaintiff had failed to establish that such a scenario actually did occur, in Defendant’s view. The FPC did not consider this (interesting) argument any further, but rather only held that it was belated; see ¶ 24.

now, what is ‘shifting of data’?

Claim 1 requires that

the data storage means (C) shift data […] between the data storage means (C).

In a nutshell, the whole case is about proper construction of the term ‘shifting of data’. The parties apparently did not dissent on the meaning of ‘shifting data’ in a general sense, i.e. that shifting of data necessarily involves two sub-steps, namely copying the data to another location and deleting or invalidating it at the first location. However, the parties dissented on the following example that ‘might’ occur in the Ethereum blockchain:

Fig. 3 of Björn Scheuermann’s opinion)

There may be data storage units A, B, C and D that are connected via existing connections (extended lines) or between which a connection can be established in the future (dashed line). The data storage unit A fails, i.e. it no longer reacts (in time) on requests from data storage unit C. This unit then tries to establish a connection with another data storage unit D to which it was not previously connected. After the connection is established with D, the data storage unit C notes that the data storage unit D does not currently contain all data that was stored in the failed data storage unit A. This data, which is also redundantly stored at C, is copied by C to D. Thus C and D have the same data, and D has the same data as the failed data storage unit A. In Plaintiff’s view, this is a ‘shifting’ of data: The data previously stored at A are no longer accessible there (for C), i.e. invalidated, and they were copied to D.

The FPC disagreed. The two sub-steps of invalidation and copying must be carried out within the same operation in order to constitute a ‘shift of data’, i.e. when a shifting operation is triggered in a computer system, both sub-steps are necessarily carried out by the computer system. The computer system executes the copying of the data to a new storage location and it carries out the deletion or invalidation of the data at the old storage location. If only one of these two steps is executed by the computer system, it is a simple deletion or a simple copying step. The two sub-steps must be performed as part of a (shifting) operation, and they must be performed because of this shifting operation being triggered.

In the event of a data storage device failure, data may be accidentially deleted or invalidated. However, this accidential failure and the resulting loss of data is not a step that is performed by a computer system due to a triggered shifting operation.

Accordingly, the decision holds that no data is being shifted in the Ethereum blockchain according to claim 1 when properly construed, i.e. the complaint was dismissed.

The decision is still appealable.

UPDATE 12 November 2020:

The decision has been appealed to the Supreme Court.

Reported by Martin WILMING


Case No. O2019_004 | Decision of 6 October 2020 | ‘Ethereum / blockchain’

Sunshine Software Development GmbH

Panel of Judges:

    • Dr. Mark SCHWEIZER
    • Dany VOGEL
    • Christoph MÜLLER


    • Dany VOGEL

Court Clerk:

    • Susanne ANDERHALDEN

Representative(s) of Plaintiff:

    • Dr. Kilian SCHÄRLI (MLL)
    • Dr. Simon HOLZER (MLL)
    • Andreas ASCHERL (K. A. L & E), assisting in patent matters

Representative(s) of Defendant:




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Cluster Failure During a Hearing about Cluster Failure

Reading time: 4 minutes

Case No. O2019_004 | Hearing of 30 June 2020

We first reported here that a blockchain infringement case might be pending at the FPC with some involvement of MLL. Shortly thereafter, on June 4, 2020, the official announcement followed and revealed that Sunshine Software Development GmbH had taken action against FRIENDZ SA for alleged infringement of the Swiss part of EP 1 151 591; see EPO Register and Swissreg for further information. Note that the patent has lapsed on 13 January 2020, after 20 years.

FRIENDZ SA describes itself as a start-up that aims to

[…] decentralize the digital advertising industry.

According to their website,

[…] brands can use Friendz Coins to access digital advertising.

These coins seem to be at the center of the present case.

As noted previously, little information is publically available about Sunshine Software Development.

EP 591 is directed to data access and management. From what could be gathered from the arguments made at the hearing, the subject matter of EP 591 seems to be relevant at least to Ethereum, and possibly other blockchain platforms. Much of the discussion related to infringement seemed to evolve around whether defendants shifted («verschieben») or replicated data, or what the difference between the two would be. Specifically, the two independent claims 1 and 30 of EP 591 comprise the following features:

the data storage means shift data redundantly stored in the system independent of an access of the computer unit as a function of the determined parameters of data transmissions between the data storage means.

redundantly stored data is shifted independently of an access of the computer unit (CL) to the data as a function of the determined parameters of data transmissions between the data storage means.

Apparently, the judge-rapporteur had concluded in his expert opinion that defendants did not shift data, and consequently did not infringe on claims 1 and 30.

We gathered from the pleadings that plaintiffs alleged a replication and subsequent deletion of data, which might realize a shift of data. Defendants appeared to argue that accidental deletion of redundantly saved data would not constitute a shift of data, and that replication was done for data safety reasons.

Speaking of accidental things related to IT,  the hearing was up to a rocky start when the monitors of the judges would not work. But a FPC hearing on blockchain was not going to be stopped by some measly IT issue – or was it? The IT gods stepped up their game and also let the microphones fail, and at a later point the projector. But even when every piece of IT had apparently failed at least once during the hearing, the President shrugged off the cluster failure — «[…] ein Clusterausfall!» —, determined to continue the hearing. Cluster failure is apparently not only a potential blockchain issue …

As usual, the parties were asked whether they would be interested in settlement talks under the court’s guidance. Both parties affirmed, though plaintiffs indicated that while the amount of compensation may be negotiable, the validity and infringement would not be.

As always, the public was not allowed to stay for the settlement talks, and it remains to be seen if a judgement will ever see the light of the day.

Reported by Philippe KNÜSEL and Martin WILMING


Case No. O2019_004 | Hearing of 30 June 2020

Sunshine Software Development GmbH

Panel of Judges:

    • Dr. Mark SCHWEIZER
    • Dany VOGEL
    • Christoph MÜLLER


    • Dany VOGEL

Court Clerk:

    • Susanne ANDERHALDEN

Representative(s) of Plaintiff:

    • Dr. Kilian SCHÄRLI (MLL)
    • Dr. Simon HOLZER (MLL)
    • Andreas ASCHERL (K. A. L & E), assisting in patent matters

Representative(s) of Defendant:




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