Back to basics: What is an invention, for heaven’s sake?

Reading time: 11 minutes

Case No. B-1711/2023 (FAC) | Hearing of 26 March 2024 | ‘Technicity’

Swiss patent applications are not currently examined on the merits. Thus, appeals against the refusal of a Swiss patent application are rare. And even rarer are appeals of potentially wider interest.

This one is different.

The patent application at stake

The IPI has refused the Swiss patent application no. CH 070623/2021.

Don’t search for it. As a national phase application of WO 2021/185442 A1 (see WIPO’s PatentScope), the Swiss patent application has not been separately published; Art. 60c let. c PatO. The mentioning of 1 January 2022 as the publication date of CH 717 707 in Swissreg is a bug; there is no such publication.

The announcement of the hearing holds that the patent application has been refused because the invention described therein and defined in the patent claims did not constitute an invention within the meaning of the PatA, i.e. it did not have a technical character. It merely defines an insurance calculation and thus a business method.

Please find the IPI file wrapper below.

It does not include the exchange of briefs in appeal proceedings. But that’s a different story. Stay tuned.

The  IPI’s decision to refuse the application begins on p. 315, the (amended) claims that were finally at stake in IPI proceedings begin on p. 210. The various amendments made to the claims are explained in applicant’s response to the first office action (p. 216 et seqq.).

According to the announcement, Swiss Re requests on appeal that the IPI’s decision be set aside and the patent granted, or alternatively that the case be referred back to the lower instance for further prosecution. Swiss Re essentially argues that the IPI went beyond the requirements of the legislator and the case law with its examination of the technical character by covertly examining inventive step.

Le’s put all this into perspective first.

BackgrounD on Technicity: A clash of approaches

The IPI examines the implicitly required ‘technicity’ of an invention by way of a ‘Ganzheitsbetrachtung’, i.e. a holistic approach:

But what does the IPI’s ‘holistic’ approach actually imply? Here is what the IPI Guidelines say:

On the other hand, the EPO only requires at least one technical feature for a claim to pass the technicity hurdle (which is often referred to as the ‘any hardware’ approach); see e.g. T 1173/97 (IBM) and hns 3 and 4 of T 931/95 (‘pension benefits’) of 8 Sept 2000 (emphasis added) :

3.  An apparatus constituting a physical entity or concrete product, suitable for performing or supporting an economic activity, is an invention within the meaning of Article 52(1) EPC.

4.  There is no basis in the EPC for distinguishing between “new features” of an invention and features of that invention which are known from the prior art when examining whether the invention concerned may be considered to be an invention within the meaning of Article 52(1) EPC. Thus there is no basis in the EPC for applying this so-called contribution approach for this purpose.

The IPI’s ‘Ganzheitsbetrachtung’ of a claim in the assessment of technicity strongly reminds me of the ‘contribution approach’ that had been applied at the EPO a looong time ago. Back in the days, at least some prior art had to be taken into account when determining whether a certain subject-matter was excluded for lack of technicity. But this is a thing of the past. The current EPO Guidelines hold:

The question of whether there is an invention within the meaning of Art. 52(1) is separate and distinct from the questions of whether it is susceptible of industrial application, is new and involves an inventive step.

This is why the ‘contribution approach’ always felt strange (to me, at least): It confused technicity with questions of novelty and inventive step when looking for the actual (technical) contribution to the art. This has been overcome at the EPO decades ago. The Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO could not be any clearer in their summary of case-law; see e.g. G 1/19:

Accordingly, the mere fact that a claim recites a computer makes the claimed subject-matter as a whole technical. Simply because a computer, undoubtedly, is a technical thing:

And the FPC?

The FPC is committed to apply the EPO’s COMVIK approach, and the Supreme Court endorsed it, too. (COMVIK goes hand in hand with the ‘any hardware’ approach. I cannot readily see how one could have the latter without the other.) The FPC had held that COMVIK is appropriate (‘angezeigt’) since the FPC may also examine obviousness and because it helps to avoid an undesirable split of the legal situation. Notably, the FPC decided to do so for Swiss patents, too:

In my view, however, this is not (only) appropriate because the FPC may also examine obviousness. Where would we be without harmonization on the very basic question of ‘what is an invention?’ — i.e., the metes and bounds of the implicit requirement of technicity? It may easily get messy if different approaches were used for assessment of patent applications in/for one and the same country on such a very basic issue. See e.g. the EWHC judgment ‘CFHP’ ([2005] EWHC 1589 (Pat)), neatly summarizing the differences between the approaches of the UK IPO and the EPO (¶¶43-53):

In short, the difference between the two approaches is that the EPO filters out excluded subject-matter at the stage of considering obviousness – at the last stage – while the UK Patent Office does so at the first stage (when considering excluded subject-matter). Or to put it a little more precisely, what the UK Patent Office does is to consider the exclusion under the description ‘novelty’, but the EPO does so under the description ‘inventive step’.

Note that both the EPO and the UKIPO do examination on the merits (unlike the IPI). Even in such cases, one has to be wary of the fact that different approaches may result in different outcomes (¶48 et seqq.):

So why is it that the difference may matter all the same? It is because, as Renan and Lord Hoffmann said in other contexts, la verité est dans une nuance. Even if the two approaches are the same functionally they may, conceivably, produce different results when it comes to matters of evaluation. That is because cases have to be decided by human beings; but the human mind is affected by the context in which a question is posed. And technological invention cannot reliably be divorced from business context.

As an example, the EWHC referred to the pretty famous invention of the Thermos® flask — which was essentially a prior art Dewar vessel that had been mechanically stabilized — and held (¶52):

It is true that the Thermos flask was not a new business method: it was a new artefact. But, formally speaking, so is a computer when programmed to carry out a new business method.

Interesting, isn‘t it? I will come back to this.

Now, how did the hearing go?

It was an interesting hearing. From the various EPO decisions that have been cited, I find T 154/04 particularly interesting:

Putting it differently: Rejecting a patent application for lack of technicity even though a computer is featured in the claim (e.g. because it is deemed straight-forward to implement a business method on a standard computer) is a no-go. At the EPO, at least. Without reference to the prior art, one just cannot know that a computer is a standard thing. One can only know that when assessing novelty.

At one point, Swiss Re’s representative held with a smirk:

Der Name der Anmelderin ist ja ‘Versicherung’. Das ist schon falsch!

That was countered by the IPI with reference to two other Swiss patent applications of Swiss Re that were granted, i.e. CH 712 882 B1 and CH 714 036 B1. The presiding jugde spontaneously inquired what the difference between e.g. CH 882 and the refused patent application was. The IPI representative answered that there were indeed certain specific measurements featured in the claims; not so in the refused application.

The IPI referred to G 3/08 in support of their hesitiation to adopt the ‘any hardware’ approach:

In the IPI’s view, the EPO is in a position to follow this ‘distasteful’ approach merely because they can sort out the bad stuff later, in the assessment of inventive step. Which is what the IPI can’t do.

My two cents

I do see the IPI’s point. I understand that they are hesitant to allow claims that are, at the face of it, directed to a business method merely because a standard computer is featured in the claim.

But from a practitioner’s point of view, it feels wrong to have different standards in/for patents in Switzerland on the very basic question of what is an invention (i.e., what does it take for a claimed subject-matter to be considered technical?). I feel that the answer to this question must not depend on whether or not one  undertakes examination on the merits (like the EPO) or not (like the IPI).

By the way, I strongly disagree with the IPI‘s first and foremost definition of an invention in the decision to refuse the application:

The IPI held (in bold):

[Eine Erfindung ist] eine neue, nicht naheliegende Lehre zum technischen Handeln.

This definition is frequently seen (even in the latest dispatch of the Federal Council in the current revision cycle of the PatA; see here). It goes back to Peter HEINRICH; he was a brilliant scholar whom I admire. Still, I believe he got this wrong. This definition confuses novelty and non-obviousness with technicity. Notably, the Supreme Court judgment cited by the IPI does not put it this way; see 4A_609/2019, r. 8.2. The Supreme Court merely held:

Eine Erfindung ist eine Lehre zum planmässigen Handeln unter Einsatz beherrschbarer Naturkräfte zur unmittelbaren Erreichung eines kausal übersehbaren Erfolgs.

Too busy
Too busy

I agree! Putting it simple, making an invention is nothing more than coming up with something that reproducibly works. Period. It is widely agreed that a certain technicity is implied. But that’s it. An engineer who nowadays comes up with a wheel has made an invention. Her invention is not new. So be it. But it is an invention that she made. Late, maybe. But she did it. In my reading, Art. 1 paras. 1 and 2 PatA leave no doubt about this concept. Inventions that are not new or that are obvious are still inventions. Undoubtedly, the IPI would grant a patent for a wheel that is known since the 4th millenium BC. It has to.

Now, what about someone who comes up with a hugely complex (business) method of supply chain management which, in passing, features that (unspecified) goods are finally transported on (unspecified) wheels. Swiping aside the wheel (trivial!) and the goods (arbitrary!) and holding that the whole rest of the claim is just a business method: Can that be right? Not with the ‘any hardware’ approach. But, quite likely, with the ‘Ganzheitsbetrachtung’:

Implementing a business method with a wheel or on a computer does not make any difference to me in terms of ‘interaction with forces of nature’. See the Thermos example above.

I am eagerly awaiting the judgment!

✍ MW


Case No. B-1711/2023 (FAC) | Hearing of 26 March 2024 | ‘Technicity’

Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.
Eidg. Institut für Geistiges Eigentum

Panel of Judges:

    • Dr. David ASCHMANN
    • Daniel WILLISEGGER
  • Court Clerk:
    • Gizem YILDIZ

Representative(s) of Swiss Re:

    • Dr. Fabian LEIMGRUBER (Thomann Fischer)
    • Claudia ERBSMEHL (Thomann Fischer)

Representative(s) of IPI:

    • Peter BIGLER (in-house)
    • Dr. Pascal WEIBEL (in-house)
    • Linda HOFER (in-house)



WO 2021/185442 A1:



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Supreme Court endorses Comvik approach

Reading time: 7 minutes

Case No. 4A_609/2019 (Supreme Court) | Decision of 16 July 2020 » on appeal against O2017_007 (FPC) | Decision of 1 November 2019 »

In first instance proceedings, the FPC held that some of imtmedical’s Bellavista ventilation machines with the ‘Animated Lung‘ feature infringe on Hamilton Medical’s EP 1 984 805 B1 »; see EPO Register and Swissreg for further bibliographic information. See this Blog here for a detailed review of the first instance decision.

The Supreme Court has dismissed imtmedical’s appeal, with decision of 16 July 2020.

As a quick reminder, the independent claim reads as follows:

Claim 1, broken down into features

The decisive features re novelty and inventive step are highlighted.

1A A device with a screen
1B in order on this to represent acquired, changing values with a mechanical ventilation of a patient,
1C with means for acquiring at least three changing values of different origin,
1D [a] and means for representing the values,
[b] which permit the acquired values to be qualitatively represented together on the screen
[c] in a single element
1E [a] said graphical element including
[b] a pictorial representation of a lung shape,
[c] a current design of the lung shape containing qualitative information on the compliance of the lung,
characterized in that
1F [a] the means for representing [the] values are designed such
[b] that a volume change of the ventilated lung which is acquired with each breath, is represented in an animated manner
[c] by way of a size change of the lung shape corresponding to this volume change,
[d] involving an animation of a contour line of the lung shape,
[e] the design of which containing qualitative information on the compliance of the lung.

Welcome to Switzerland, COMVIK(?)

Technicality as such was undoubtedly given; Art. 52 EPC. The Supreme Court endorses the EPO’s approach that the mere presence of at least one technical feature is sufficient. Anything else is to be dealt with under Art. 56 EPC in the case of mixed inventions, i.e. claims comprising technical and non-technical features.

As mentioned earlier, the IPI applies a different test. In my humble opinion, there is no room anymore for the IPI’s ‘holistic’ approach (‘Ganzheitsbetrachtung’) in the assessment of technicality of the claimed subject-matter: The FPC has explicitly committed to apply the EPO’s approach ( T 641/00 (Two identities / COMVIK)) not only for European patents but also for Swiss patents; and the Supreme Court applied the COMVIK approach without any hesitation at all. I cannot see how there could reasonably be two different approaches in place to assess one and the same issue, just depending on whether it is assessed during prosecution or in litigation.

imtmedical had argued that i) there was no improved assistance of a user of a ventilation machine; and ii) there was no plausible contribution to a solution of a technical problem at all.

However, the Supreme Court clearly holds that providing a (non-obvious) alternative solution is sufficient. It does not have to be an improved solution. What is more, the mere fact that a feature does not provide for an improved solution does not mean that it is non-technical; ¶ 10.3.1.

Next, the Supreme Court discussed the criteria mentioned in the EPO Guidelines for Examination, G-II 3.7:

A feature defining a presentation of information produces a technical effect if it credibly assists the user in performing a technical task by means of a continued and/or guided human-machine interaction process (T 336/14 and T 1802/13).

Even though the FPC had not explicitly discussed whether or not the user is credibly assisted in performing a technical task, the Supreme Court holds that the FPC implicitly affirmed this by mentioning that no improvement is necessary; see above. Rightly so; the Supreme Court again referred to the EPO Guidelines for Examination, G-II 3.7:

Such a technical effect is considered credibly achieved if the assistance to the user in performing the technical task is objectively, reliably and causally linked to the feature.

The question is whether it can be assumed that it is useful for medical staff to be able to see the change in volume of the lung being ventilated and the ventilation rate, so that artificial ventilation can be adjusted to suit the patient. The Supreme Court holds that this is undoubtedly the result of the natural anatomical context, just as every user knows the ventilation process and its effects on the patient; ¶ 10.3.2.

Beware of ‘sneak attacks’

Interestingly, at a very early stage of the proceedings the FPC’s delegation at the instruction hearing had apparently indicated that the patentee / plaintiff would have to prove the alleged improvement in the user’s information processing, with suitable pieces of evidence.

Beware of ‘sneak attacks’

imtmedical argued that it was a ‘sneak attack’ (Überraschungsschlag) by the FPC to abstain from this preliminary opinion in the final judgment without further notice, and that this constituted a violation of the right to be heard; ¶ 10.3.3.

The Supreme Court did not buy into that: The interim assessment of the judge-rapporteur at the instruction hearing is non-binding. Moreover, the parties have no constitutional right to be specifically heard on the legal assessment of the facts introduced by them in the proceedings.

imtmedical also asserted a violation of the right to be heard in view of the reformulation of the objective technical problem by the FPC. Indeed, the FPC had reformulated the objective technical problem to a less ambitious one, i.e. to provide for an alternative, without further explanation. The Supreme Court notes that the FPC evidently did so in full conformance with the EPO’s problem-solution approach; ¶ 11.4.2. In any event, the Supreme Court holds that the formulation of the ‘objective technical problem’ is not a factual submission in strict sense:

Likewise, the Supreme Court had no issues with the FPC’s assessment of obviousness and sufficiency of disclosure; ¶ 11.5 and 12, respectively. Further, the witness had not to be heard because the FPC did not actually make use of the piece of evidence offered by Hamilton that the witness had been offered to counter.

Now that the partial decision on infringement is final, it remains to be seen how this litigation continues when imtmedical has provided the information and accounting, as ordered.

Reported by Martin WILMING


Case No. 4A_609/2019 (Supreme Court) | Decision of 16 July 2020 » on appeal against O2017_007 (FPC) | Decision of 1 November 2019 »

Hamilton Medical AG (Respondent / Plaintiff)
imtmedical AG (Appellant / Defendant)

Panel of Judges:

    • Dr. Christina KISS
      • Dr. Fabienne HOHL
      • Dr. Martha NIQUILLE
      • Dr. Yves RÜEDI
      • Marie-Chantal MAY-CANNELLAS

Court Clerk:

    • Nicolas CURCHOD

Representative(s) of Appellant / Defendant:

Representative(s) of Respondent / Plaintiff:

→ on appeal against FPC decision O2017_007 »
Case no.: 4A_609/2020
Decision of: 16 July 2020

→ partial decision, EP(CH) 1 984 805 B1 » is valid and infringed
Case no.: O2017_007
Decision of: 1 November 2019



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Mixed feelings about the assessment of mixed inventions

Case No. O2017_007 | Decision of 1 November 2019 | ‘Beatmungsgerät’

Reading time: 16 minutes

The decision is a booklet of about 100 pages; even the recitals of the procedural history and the requests cover 37 pages. Cutting a long story short, the FPC held that some of imtmedical‘s Bellavista ventilation machines with the ‘Animated Lung‘ feature infringe Hamilton Medical‘s EP 1 984 805 B1; see EPO Register and Swissreg for further bibliographic information.

Defendant argued for nullity of EP 805 in defense, as follows:

    • Claim 1 was not novel over both WO 02/071933 A2 (see ¶ 56) and Wachter et al. (2003), The employment of an iterative design process to develop a pulmonary graphical display (see ¶ 57);

and, with respect to (lack of) inventive step (see ¶ 67):

However, the plea for nullity in defense was unsuccessful. The decision holds that features 1F [b] and 1F [c] were not disclosed in WO 02/071933 A2 and Wachter et al. (2003); thus, novelty was acknowledged. Further, the decision holds that features 1F [b] and 1F [c] were also not rendered obvious by any combination of prior art asserted by defendant.

Claim 1, broken down into features

The decisive features re novelty and inventive step are highlighted.

1A A device with a screen
1B in order on this to represent acquired, changing values with a mechanical ventilation of a patient,
1C with means for acquiring at least three changing values of different origin,
1D [a] and means for representing the values,
[b] which permit the acquired values to be qualitatively represented together on the screen
[c] in a single element
1E [a] said graphical element including
[b] a pictorial representation of a lung shape,
[c] a current design of the lung shape containing qualitative information on the compliance of the lung,
characterized in that
1F [a] the means for representing [the] values are designed such
[b] that a volume change of the ventilated lung which is acquired with each breath, is represented in an animated manner
[c] by way of a size change of the lung shape corresponding to this volume change,
[d] involving an animation of a contour line of the lung shape,
[e] the design of which containing qualitative information on the compliance of the lung.

The defendant was thus ordered to abstain from further use of ventilation machines with the ‘Animated Lung‘ feature, and to provide information and accounting concerning previous use thereof.

All that appears pretty straight-forward to me, even though the prior art comes pretty close. But still, there are some quite pointed remarks in the decision on various aspects, both procedurally and on the merits.

Lack of legal interest in certain requests for injunctive relief

In parallel to the requests for injunctive relief that had finally been allowed, the plaintiff also requested essentially the same again in more limited form, i.e. with i) the additional recitation of the machine types ‘bellavista 1000’, ‘bellavista 1000e’ and ‘bellavista 1000 neo’; and ii) the combination with certain flow-through sensors. 

The decision holds that the plaintiff has no legal interest in these requests since the broadest request already cover these more limited requests. Noteworthy, 20% or the costs were clapped on the plaintiff despite his success on the merits with respect to the broadest requests.

The requirement of definiteness of a request for injunctive relief

The decision gives a finely chiseled differentiation of the requirement of definiteness of a request for injunctive relief on the one hand (which is a bar to proceeding, to be examined ex officio), and the plea in defense that the request for injunctive relief is overhooting on the other hand, i.e. that it extends beyond the scope of the patent as asserted (not to be examined ex officio; potentially leading to (partial) dismissal of the action):

Interestingly, the decision holds in very general terms that the FPC will only very reluctantly assume indefiniteness of a claim for injunctive relief, in the absence of a respective complaint of the defendant; see ¶15, above.

Further, it is held that an overshooting request for injunctive relief will lead to ‘(partial) dismissal’ of the action; see ¶15, above. Maybe I am overinterpreting the ‘partial’ in brackets here, but I wonder what that means in practice: In first place, the request for injunctive relief stands as requested — and cannot be allowed as-is because it is overshooting. In principle, I believe that the court could re-phrase the request to make it commensurate with the scope of the patent as asserted (even though that might be a tricky exercise). Similarly, see e.g. the hn in O2015_009 with respect to sole vs. joint ownership of a patent application. As much as I recall, the FPC never actually narrowed down an overshooting request for injunctive relief, to make it commensurate with the patent as asserted.

A broad feature is not necessarily unclear

Broadness of features is frequently confused with (un)clarity, in particular when it comes to functional features. The decision holds in no uncertain terms that this is a misconception; see ¶16:

Der Begriff ‘Gerätesteuerung’ ist ein funktionaler Begriff, der alles umfasst, was das (Beatmungs-)Gerät steuert. Nicht jeder breite Begriff ist automatisch unklar. Der Begriff ‘Gerätesteuerung’ ist zwar breit, aber klar.

By the way, the same holds true in prosecution: I am prepared to deal with any prior art that is thrown at me as long as it reasonably reads on a broad, functional feature. But it goes against the grain for me when an objection re clarity is raised presumably only for convenience.

Admissibility of reply to new assertions in the rejoinder

The defendant apparently came up with a whole lot of new assertions only in the rejoinder, i.e. that i) EP 805 extended beyond the application as originally filed; ii) the invention was not disclosed in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a skilled person; iii) the attacked embodiment did not provide qualitative information with the contour line of the lung; and iv) that the claim to priority was not valid, alongside with new evidence and reliance on a witness.

The decision holds that plaintiff’s filing of new pieces of evidence had effectively been triggered by the rejoinder, and the evidence was thus admitted into the proceedings; see ¶19:

What witnesses are (not) for

The defendant had requested that Mr Frank DREWS be heard as a witness. To no avail. The decision umistakably holds that witnesses are not to be heard with respect to questions of law, such as e.g. the definition of the skilled person, the issue of technicality (see below), or the skilled person’s understanding of certain features; see ¶21:

Vorab ist festzuhalten, dass Zeugen zu Tatsachen befragt werden, nicht zu Rechtsfragen.

Further, the decision holds that the procedure of taking evidence (Art. 150 et seqq. CPC) cannot replace lacking allegations or supplement incomplete allegations. Rather, appropriate allegations are the prerequisite for the taking of evidence (see ¶20, with reference to 4A_338/2017, ¶2.1):

Das Beweisverfahren dient […] nicht dazu, fehlende Behauptungen zu ersetzen oder zu ergänzen, sondern setzt solche vielmehr voraus.

The decision holds that defendant’s reliance on Mr Frank DREWS as a witness did not meet this standard. Accordingly, the witness had not been heard.

The FPC follows the EPO’s ‘Comvik’-approach

In EPO practice, a so-called mixed invention that comprises both technical and non-technical features is assessed according to the ‘COMVIK’ approach, in accordance with T 641/00 (Two identities / COMVIK). In a nutshell, an invention is not excluded from patentability under Art. 52(1), (2) EPC when it comprises at least one technical feature. This threshold is easily met; mere presence of e.g. a computer, a display, etc. is sufficient to pass the test. However, those features that do not have (or contribute to) a non-obvious technical effect cannot render the claimed subject-matter inventive.

Note that the IPI applies a different test, according to the IPI Guidelines for Examination (January 2019, p. 16):

The IPI applies a ‘holistic’ approach (‘Ganzheitsbetrachtung’) in the assessment of technicality of the claimed subject-matter. In contrast to the EPO’s ‘COMVIK’ approach (T 641/00), this means that e.g. a claim directed to e.g. an method for analysis of certain items that is carried out with the help of a computer may well be refused by the IPI for lack of technicality (if it can e.g. be used for both technical and non-technical purposes), while the mandatory use of a computer would establish technicality at the EPO in any event. Whether or not the method would ultimately be considered inventive or not by the EPO, that’s of course a different story.

The decision holds that the FPC will apply the ‘COMVIK’-approach, and it is noted in passing that it will also do so for Swiss national patents; see ¶ 46:

But what does the IPI’s ‘holistic’ approach actually imply? Here is what the Guidelines say:

Being trained as a European patent attorney, I had always felt that the ‘holistic’ approach was examination on the merits in disguise. In order to properly assess these criteria, one necessarily has to consider the invention as claimed in light of the prior art — what in my opinion is not sth the IPI should currently be doing (but maybe in the future; see this Blog here). I feel that time is ripe to abolish with the ‘holistic’ approach / ‘Ganzheitsbetrachtung’. It appears odd to me to systematically apply two different approaches in prosecution and nullity proceedings, in the mere hope that in the end the overall result re patentability might be the same, i.e. that non-patentable inventions are sorted out in any event, just by a different token.

On a sidenote, the decision discusses the different approaches being taken by Boards of Appeal in the assessment of novelty of mixed inventions; see ¶54. Nowadays, the majority considers all features in the assessment of novelty, irrespective of whether they are technical or not. Some other decisions apply the concept of ‘technical novelty’, i.e. only technical features are considered in the assessment of novelty; see also the discussion in Case Law of the Boards of Appeal, I.D.9.1.3 c), second paragraph. In practice, that only matters when intervening prior art under Art. 54(3) EPC is at stake — which is not the case here. Anyway, the decision rightly holds that consideration of all features in the assessment of novelty would be pragmatic since only the new features would have to be assessed re technicality in the next step; if a feature is not new, it just doesn’t matter whether it is technical or not.

burden of proof for the actual fulfillment of an ambitious technical problem in the assessment of inventive step

The decision raises an interesting question in relation to the assessment of inventive step; see ¶65. Just assume that the patent in suit asserts that an ambitious technical problem is solved by the invention. Later, in civil proceedings and in view of the same prior art as discussed in the patent in suit, the counterparty asserts that this ambitious technical problem is not solved. Now, is the burden of proof on that issue with the patentee or the counterparty?

That’s a tough question, indeed. The decision avoids to give an answer; the FPC could do so in the case at hand because the invention was held non-obvious even in view of the least ambitious technical problem to be solved.

That’s definitely lawyers’ playground. But in my perception, neither party should benefit from a mere ‘sit back and relax’ mentality in such instances. Assuming there is at least some reasonable indication (in the patent itself or through secondary evidence) that the ambitious technical problem is actually solved, I would see a burden on the counterparty to overturn this circumstantial evidence, with at least the same degree of certainty. It would appear somewhat artificial to me if the full burden of proof would be on the patentee right from the outset. Similarly, according to Art. 178 CPC, the authenticity of a document needs only to be proven when disputed, and when adequate grounds for disputing are given.

No plea OF free state of the art in case of literal infringement

The decision holds that the defendant cannot argue as a plea in defense that the attacked embodiment is free state of the art (or rendered obvious by the free state of the art). This plea effectively is a nullity plea in defense (asserting lack of novelty or inventive step, respectively), and to be examined as such.

With reference to O2013_008 (¶4.6), the decision holds that the plea of free state of the art can only be legitimately raised in order to rebut the assertion of infringement under the DoE, but not in cases of literal infringement.

But … why?

I am not so sure. Does it really have to be so dogmatic?

Assuming a defendant can show that the attacked embodiment is an exact blueprint of what has been described 50 years ago. Undoubtedly, no valid patent that is currently in force can cover the attacked embodiment anymore. Not the patent in suit, and not any other one. Why bother with a detailed feature analysis and all the tedious questions of claim construction in the assessment of nullity? There is just no need for that. One may construe the patent in suit in any way whatsoever: It cannot be valid and at the same time read on the attacked embodiment. In view of procedural economy, it would make perfectly sense to shut the docket based on the plea of free state of the art, in my perception. See e.g. BGE 115 II 491 (¶2b) and F. Blumer in sic! 1/1998, p. 3 et seqq. in this respect, and Eugène Brunner’s critical comments in sic! 4/1998, p. 428-429 (with which I do not concur, for e.g. the reasons outlined above).

Information on downstream commercial customers

The decision holds in ¶86 that the identity of downstream commercial users and the extent to which the infringing products had been passed on to them is not a secret worthy of protection once infringement is established; the interests of the patentee take precedence (Art. 66 lit. b PatA):

Die Identität der gewerblichen Abnehmer und das Ausmass der Weitergabe von patentverletzenden Produkten an sie ist bei nachgewiesener Patentverletzung kein schützenswertes Geheimnis; die Interessen des Patentinhabers gehen vor (Art. 66 lit. b PatG)

This principle had been established in O2013_008 (hn), but the recent decision O2016_012 appears to be at odds with this, at least at the face of it; see O2016_012, ¶102.

The value in dispute of an action by stages

The decision discusses the issue of the value in dispute in an action by stages (see ¶92): Should the value in dispute in patent infringement proceedings be fixed based on the first stage only (i.e. information / accounting and injunctive relief), or should the aggregate (monetary) claim that is subsequently dealt with in the second stage of the proceedings also be taken into account?

The decision opts for the latter. If a complaint is dismissed, this also implies dismissal with respect to monetary claims; it would thus be inconsistent if the value in dispute would be systematically addressed differently only because the outcome of the proceedings is different on the merits. However, the court fee is fixed to only CHF 70’000,– which is even less than what the tariff at the lower end would allow for in Art. 1(1) CostR-PatC in view of a value in dispute of CHF 4m, in consideration of the fact that it is only a partial decision that not yet deals with the monetary claims.

Reported by Martin WILMING


Case No. O2017_007 | Decision of 1 November 2019 | ‘Beatmungsgerät’

Hamilton Medical AG
imtmedical AG

Panel of Judges:

    • Dr. Mark SCHWEIZER
    • Dr. Philipp RÜFENACHT
    • Dr. Andri HESS
    • Dr. Simon HOLZER
    • Christoph MÜLLER


    • Dr. Philipp RÜFENACHT

Court Clerk:

    • Susanne ANDERHALDEN

Representative(s) of Plaintiff:

    • Dr. Christoph GASSER (BianchiSchwald)
    • Renato BOLLHALDER (Bohest), assisting in patent matters
    • Dr. Torben MÜLLER (Bohest), assisting in patent matters

Representative(s) of Defendant:

    • Dr. Rudolf RENTSCH (IPrime)
    • Ernst BREM (IPrime)
    • Paul ROSENICH (PPR)
    • Joachim KÜNSCH (PPR)


EP 1 984 805 B1


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